Welcome to TaskForge! This guide provides a comprehensive overview of how to use our bounty automation platform effectively.
- Sign up for a TaskForge account.
- Configure webhooks to enable automated bounty processing.
- Ensure your repository includes appropriate issue labels for bounty tracking.
- Navigate to the "Create" page in TaskForge.
- Specify task details, including triggers and actions based on the available data.
- When selecting email as an action, enter {comment.email} in the "To" field and include your relevant text in the "Body" field.
- If selecting INR or Solana as actions, provide {comment.email} in the "To" field and {comment.amount} in the "Amount/Solana" field.
- Incorrect formatting will result in unsuccessful bounty distribution.
- Both the sender and recipient must be registered TaskForge users for the bounty to be processed.
- Review and confirm your task before submission.
- Only the sender or repository owner should perform this integration.
- Navigate to the repository's settings on GitHub.
- In the left sidebar, select "Webhooks", then click "Add webhook".
- Paste the generated webhook URL from TaskForge into the "Payload URL" field.
- Select "application/json" as the content type.
- Under "Which events would you like to trigger this webhook?" select "Let me select individual events", then check "Issue Comments".
- Click "Add webhook" to finalize the integration.
- Repository owners must send bounty details via the PR comment section by formatting as follows:
- amount: "200", email: "recipient's email"
- INR values should be provided in rupee format (e.g., amount: "500", amount: "2000").
- Solana values should be formatted accordingly (e.g., amount: "1", amount: "2").
- The recipient's email must belong to a registered TaskForge user; otherwise, the transaction will fail.
- Complete the GitHub issue associated with a bounty.
- Submit a pull request (PR) linked to the issue.
- Once the PR is reviewed by the repository team, the bounty sender must enter the bounty details in the PR's comment section.
- Ensure that the details are correct before submitting the comment.
- After verification, TaskForge will automatically process the bounty payout.
- TaskForge employs secure encryption protocols to safeguard transactions.
- Users must ensure the accuracy of recipient details to avoid misdirected payments.
- Webhooks and API keys must be kept confidential to prevent unauthorized access.
Need help? Contact our support team at taskforge18@gmail.com for assistance.